Your interview is the first impression your recruiter or hiring manager will have of you, and first impressions count for a lot.

Here are the ten worst mistakes you can make in a job interview:

1. Not Doing Your Research

First on the list of 10 biggest interview mistakes is not doing your research before the interview. A research failure or a lack of knowledge on the company or the job are the simplest mistakes you can avoid: spending half an hour looking at the company’s website, web presence and social channels will provide a wealth of information. Being able to tell your interviewer exactly what the company does and prove you’re interested in the company’s vision and values can make the difference even between two highly experienced and motivated candidates.


2. Turning Up Late

The first impression is the most difficult to make, and an interviewer never forgets. Even if you are late for a good reason, make sure you communicate with your interviewer before the time of the interview to tell them that you’ll be late; communicating and apologising will show that you respect your interviewer and value their time.


3. Lying

Exaggerating your accomplishments and experience can be tempting to ensure you give a positive impression, but beware: interviewers will find out if you lie during an interview. If the interview gets around to delicate topics, the best way to deal with the conversation is by being honest and mature enough to handle the questions properly. The hiring manager or prospective employers may call your references to verify your answers, and any untruths will be identified immediately. Because it puts your reputation at stake – not just with this interview, but throughout the industry you work in – lying is high on the list of biggest interview mistakes. 


4. Criticising a Previous Employer

Be positive and avoid criticising your previous employers during an interview. You can talk about what you would like to achieve and why this may not be possible in your current job, but never bad-mouth a current or previous employer. Criticising previous employers gives your interviewer the impression that you are difficult to work with, and you may lose your next job to someone who appears more likeable and easygoing.


5. Giving the Wrong Reasons for Leaving

Giving the wrong reasons for leaving your previous job marks the mid-way point on the list of 10 biggest interview mistakes. Your interviewer knows that your last job wasn't perfect – otherwise you wouldn't be talking to them! – however, be careful of how you present your reasons for leaving. Remember: be positive and avoid personal comments about your current team or manager.


6. Dressing Inappropriately

Find out about the dress code before the interview so you can adapt your outfit accordingly. Failing to adhere to the company’s dress code will make the interviewer feel uncomfortable, and it’s in your interest to look professional.


7. Asking About Salary

Avoid asking about salary during an interview unless and until the interviewer mentions it. Otherwise, your interviewer will think that all you are interested in is how much you’ll be paid. Many interviewers will want some details about your salary expectations after a successful first interview, so let them make the first move.


8. Not Following Up After The Interview

At the end of an interview, you still have a formality to attend to. Send an email or letter thanking your interviewer for the opportunity and mention that you enjoyed meeting them and hope to be considered for the job. Not following up with a thank you letter can mean you miss a good opportunity to reinforce your interest about the job.


9. Interrupting the Interviewer

Don’t be rude and don’t interrupt your interviewer. Listen carefully to gather all the information that you can and deliver interview answers that are precise and professional. Listening to your interviewer also prepares you to bounce back from unexpected or difficult questions and will make a good impression.


10. Not Negotiating

Last on the list of biggest interview mistakes is not negotiating your job offer. It can be surprising, but negotiating is part of job application and interview process. Even if you successfully navigated the interview process and received a job offer, it’s time to talk numbers. Your hiring manager is expecting it, don’t be afraid. Demonstrate your negotiation skills by researching and practicing beforehand.


Read VHR's Job Interview Guide for more information on how to have a successful interview. 

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